Five good reasons

Why would you play a city game or team game outdoors?

  • By Lander
  • 5/24/2023
  • 3 min read

Five reasons to play a city game

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Why playing a citygame

Before starting Teamgames, we naturally tried out a few city games ourselves. And it's mainly because we loved the concept so much that we decided to create our own games.

The ideal activity for friends, family, and colleagues: You know how it is when you've made plans with a group of friends, the annual family gathering is just around the corner, or you're organizing a bachelor outing or team-building activity with colleagues. Coming up with a fun activity isn't always easy. Another round of bowling? With Teamgames, you can bring something original to the table. It's also something that appeals to a wide audience, so you'll definitely score with this proposal.

Away from screens, but not entirely: Finding activities that both young and older children can enjoy together isn't always easy. And older children may be even more difficult to get excited about an outing with mom and dad. Teamgames are guaranteed to be a hit with every family member. They provide the perfect combination of modern technology and old-fashioned fun. Thanks to our city games, families can truly tackle challenges and solve puzzles as a team. And who wouldn't want to get their children away from screens, at least the screens indoors, and into the great outdoors?

Learn something about the city: Perhaps you're on a city trip with Teamgames in a city like Kortrijk, Ghent, Roeselare, Bruges, and more. Our Discover the City games are the perfect way to get to know the city you're visiting for a short time. Maybe you're really into history and would love to know everything about the history of the area? Great, there are certainly plenty of guides who would be happy to tell you all about it in detail for hours. We ourselves are more of the "tell us the most important things and we'll try to remember them" type. After playing our Discover the City games, you can be sure that you'll have checked off the most important landmarks in the city and learned something along the way.

Explore all the hidden gems at a fast pace: Even for those who think they know the city inside out, our city games can still provide a pleasant surprise. We've done our best to lead the course along the city's most charming spots. There might even be an undiscovered gem waiting for habitual visitors. Of course, you're free to take a break along the way to enjoy the view or have a drink at a nice terrace.

Walking without feeling like you're walking: For those of us who, like us, aren't fans of traditional walking, a Teamgame is also an ideal way to make a walk more enjoyable. Before you know it, you'll have covered 4 or 6 kilometers.